
Nightingale Eryuell is the name that appears during the war for Rabanastre’s liberation. The record mentioned a fearless female mercenary charging straight into the enemy’s frontlines, after the war records from the palace were recovered, among them was a mention of a Noble Alchemist family that once lived during the golden age of Rabanastre, the page was mostly burned, seemingly destroyed in haste.The only information that could be recovered was the fact that Nightingale Eryuell was the adopted son of the late Lady Eryuell, the last heir of the Eryuell family. Much of the background of the currently known Nightingale Eryuell is unknown, most higher ups keep undisclosed information about her.Is she a ghost from the past? or is she was someone who took up the name long forgotten by the fire of wars? Where is the real Nightingale Eryuell? Who is this brave female mercenary that helps people without looking at their creed or race?

"Records of the Pasts"

"Nightingale Eryuell"Nightingale is the name that his mother gave to him when she picked up the rat street on the verge of dying at the street of Royal City of Rabanastre, so fragile, yet his lime green eyes burned with the sole will of "I WANT TO LIVE".The boy was raised like her own son, listening obediently to everything she said, at time the boy also learnt the way of the alchemy, becoming a genius at tender age, among his new noble family, there are also other adopted children, despite being the best, the boy is never fully satisfied with what he already achieved, but there's only one thing that seems to be his sole purpose to his life, loving his mother to the fullest.As the Rabanastre wall crumbles under the forces of the Imperial IV Legion led by the Legatus Noah Van Gabranth, so did his life crumbled to pieces, his mother captured by her fellow nobles who served the Royal family, accused for the assassination of Princess Asche. She was burned at the stake, the last words of his mother is to tell her son to live his life, leave this city, and so he did, but not before he got himself captured by the noble guard, who forced him to watch his mother be burned alive.His years in the prison changed him, and he managed to escape the prison in his 5th year, the first place he went to is his old house, a place where he and his mother once lived, burned down to the ground. Unknown to the arsonist, there was a place where they were not able to destroy, a secret lab down in the basement near where what used to be a garden of herbs was.

"Subject 01 - Eryuell, Nightingale"she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was a pair of lime green eyes staring at her, she doesn't know how she ended up on where she is, or who is she, or even what is she, the man she saw was pacing in front of her glass barrier, saying something that she can't hear.Another one showed up, this time a man with a black robe and red mask, they seems to be arguing over something, she tried to move her body, useless, her body seems to refusing any attempt she made, one thing that she's noticed that she's in a glass tube filled with a strange green liquid.
The Man in the lab coat who she saw first after she opened her eyes was seen to be attacking the robed figure, his strange floating weapon seems to be deflected by something invisible to her eyes, the weapon he flings toward the glass barrier, piercing it slightly making a crack. She was finally able to move her body, she can feel her fingers curling up, suddenly an unknown force shattered the glass completely, dropping her down to the floor.
Fire everywhere but neither of the men are visible, she scrambled trying to muster the strength to get up. The thoughts filled her head for the first time, who is she? what's her name? how did she end up here? but those thoughts were quickly dispersed as she heard another explosion not quite far from where she is, this was not the time for checking what it was, she must escape.


Relationship Status

- Married to Sayuri and R'aeyon Luvixe (ring is actually on Sayuri's alt, Sayuri Eryuell)


- Owner of The Leaping Cat, Crafting and Gathering Shop. (Mainly because of Sayuri’s hobby of craftings).- Working at ;
* 008, as Hostess, Currently on Break
* NOVA Hotel as Host/Hostess, Open every day.

Get to know me more


- Newbie-friendly, in case you're new to RP and wanted to learn more about RP-ing.
- Able to adapt in most RP situations.
- 10+ years prior experience in RP before FFXIV.
- Fast Replies.


- English, No hablo muy bien inglés, señor.
while I speak in a weird mix of Birmingham accent, English, as a matter of fact, isn't my primary language, so there are the times I might stutter or misspelled something weirdly.
no, I'm not multi linguistic person either, I just happen to have quite colorful range of cursing and cussing words.

Top 10 Kinks

94% Switch
86% Rigger
84% Dominant
79% Experimentalist
77% Sadist
74% Primal (Hunter)
72% Brat tamer
70% Degrader
68% Daddy/Mommy
67% Master/Mistress

Refer to the Kinklist below for any ERP kink that you would like to ask.

Author's Notes

Hello, Nightingale Eryuell here, but you can call me 'Night' instead (oh my giddy aunt, every time someone tried to call me by my last name, they're mispronouncing it to the point I need to tell them "Just Night, is fine" >w>.Right, so what I did most of the day is chasing my wife and husband (yesss, I have two! they're AMAZING) around the whole day just to flirt them with the same lines if not improvised a bit <///<
just kidding, I mostly doing in-game stuff whenever the mood strikes me, daydreaming about the next project of mine, such as Drawings and 3D Modeling (I did a commission! as the matter of fact check out my Twitter for more info.)
aside from that, I sometimes help my FC mate, run around in my alt character or just stand there in front of you menacingly

What I'm Looking to RP about

- Casual RP.
- (this one is outside the RP, but I do love discussing stuff like lore for RP.)

Things I am NOT comfortable RP’ing about

- Non-con / Forced non-con.
- Racism, Abusive behavior.
- Breaching on my personal relationship with my Partners.
- Actively seeking to cause a problem with other people that might lead to a drama, if you do, go look for someone else, pendejo.

Personal Boundaries

- I am NOT looking for a RL relationship. I am happily and already taken by my 2 amazing partners (R'aeyon and Sayuri Luvixe).
- I'd love to chat longer, but I need to recharge my social battery sometimes, and I put my time to be with my partners above all else, be it in-game or IRL.

Nightingale's Extra Lore


- He was adopted into the Eryuell family at the age of 7.
- He mastered the alchemy at the age of 10.
- His dominant hair colors is jet black, it was assumed that he might be originated from Far East.